Study Materials
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Characteristics of Developing Countries
The countries in which the process of development has started but is not completed, have a developing phase of different ...
Differences between Closed Economy and Open Economy
An economy that does not involve overseas trade is known as a closed economy and an economy having participates in ...
Introduction to Open Economy
Meaning/Introduction to Open Economy An economy in which there is the provision of international trade or foreign trade is known ...
Introduction to Closed Economy
Based on participation in international trade, economies can be divided into two types the closed economy and the open economy ...
Macroeconomic Variables
The performance and behavior of the economy can be shown and analyzed by different economic variables and these are known ...
Use or Importance of Macroeconomics
Macroeconomics is the study of aggregates like national income, national product, total consumption, total saving, total investment, etc. The study ...
Scope of Macroeconomics
The word ‘scope’ refers to the range or area covered by anything, any subject, or any topic. Thus, considering this ...
Meaning and Features of Macroeconomics
Macroeconomics is the part of economics that studies about the economy. The unit to deal in macroeconomics is the entire ...
Cost of Economic Growth
Every economy needs to invest its scarce resources in the production of capital goods and consumer goods. Both sorts of ...
Measurement of Economic Growth
Economic growth can be defined as the increase in the real national product or output over time. Economic growth during ...
Meaning and Definition of Demand
Meaning and Definition of Demand Demand for goods and services implies the number of goods and services that buyers are ...
Difference between Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
The subject matter of economics is broadly divided into two branches, namely microeconomics and macroeconomics. Microeconomics and macroeconomics have become ...
Types of Demand
The willingness to buy a commodity or a service for which necessary resources are available is known as demand. Both ...
The Achievements of Development Planning in SAARC Countries
Learning ObjectiveTo discuss the achievements of development planning in SAARC Countries SAARC Countries have experienced several changes and improvements because ...
Constraints or Challenges of Development Planning in SAARC Countries
Introduction South Asian countries are competitive but, in many respects, they are complementary to each other also. All the member ...
Plan Priorities in SAARC Countries
Concept and Introduction of SAARC After 1945, the trend of the establishment of various regional cooperation organizations like the European ...
Concept of Duality in Consumer Theory
Meaning of Duality The term duality is habitually used to denote a dissimilarity between two correlated concepts, such as duel ...
Income and Substitution Effects of a Price Change
In our situation of good X, good Y, and money income M; if money income and the price of good ...
Income Consumption and Engel Curve
Learning Objective To explain the derivation of income consumption and Engel curve for a normal and inferior good This issue ...
Change in Prices and Derivation of Demand Curve
Introduction In the analysis of consumer’s equilibrium, price and income are exogenous variables, and changes in the values of these ...