
Monetary Policy Formulation in Nepal

Monetary Policy Formulation in Nepal

Economy of Nepal Nepal’s per capita income is $1085 according to the Economic Survey of 2019/20. Geologically, Nepal is a ...
The Ease of Business Doing Index and Nepal

The Ease of Business Doing Index and Nepal

The Doing Business Report is originally the product of Simeon Djankov and a team published in 2002. After the publication ...
Monetary Policy of Nepal 2020- Highlights

Monetary Policy of Nepal 2020- Highlights

Introduction of Monetary Policy and its Formulation in Nepal The article aims to present the highlights of the Monetary Policy ...
Status and Trend of Poverty in Nepal

Status and Trend of Poverty in Nepal

Understanding Poverty Poverty is a multidimensional, most challenging, and complex issue in the world. It is a problem of economic ...
Public Enterprises in Nepal

Public Enterprises in Nepal

Background Public Enterprises (PEs) had been established in Nepal to provide essential good and service related to the daily life ...
Economics and its Impact on Public Policy

Economics and its Impact on Public Policy

This article attempts to explain the main essence of Mercantilism, Physiocrats, and Classical economics and their effect on economics policies ...
Principles of Physiocratic School of Economic Thought

Principles of Physiocratic School of Economic Thought

Introduction It is the second doctrine after mercantilism that had influenced public policy very strongly during the 18th century. Before ...
Mercantilism and Policy Prescriptions

Mercantilism and Policy Prescriptions

Before the publication of Adam Smiths' influential work “An Enquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations” ...
Major economic systems

Major Economic Systems

Economics is the study of the economic behavior of individuals concerning scarcity and choices. Economic interaction takes among people when ...
An Introduction to Nepal at a Glance

An Introduction to Nepal at a Glance

Nepal is a landlocked country. It lies between India and China. Still, Nepal is one of the least developed countries ...
Relation of economics with other sciences

Relation of economics with other sciences

There is a relation of economics with other sciences or other disciples. Sometimes economists learn from other sciences and sometimes ...
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