Other Issues

Economics and its Impact on Public Policy

This article attempts to explain the main essence of Mercantilism, Physiocrats, and Classical economics and their effect on economics policies. In the 18th century, economics was called political economy. At that time, the main purpose of economics was to assist in the formulation of public policy and to guide policymakers, and for this reason, economics […]

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Principles of Physiocratic School of Economic Thought

Physiocracy is an economic thought or economic theory developed by an organized group of French economists in the 18th century. This school of thought was led by Francois Quesnay (1694-1774). Francois Quesnay was a French economist and chief architect of the Physiocratic school of economic thought. He published the ‘Tablue Economics’ in 1758 and provided the foundations of the ideas on the Physiocratic school of economic thought.

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