Study Materials

The Best Definition of Microeconomics

There are different definitions of microeconomics given by different economists and the common matter of almost all the definitions is that microeconomics refers to the study of economic behaviors of very small and individual units of an entire economy. Thus, first microeconomics divides the entire economy into several small parts and then studies each part […]

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Among Nominal GDP and Real GDP, which GDP is better?

The nominal gross domestic product is the total market value of all newly produced goods and services during each time, usually annually. Real GDP is nominal GDP adjusted for inflation or measurement of newly-produced goods and services at constant prices. Real GDP is used to measure the actual growth of production without any effects of

Among Nominal GDP and Real GDP, which GDP is better? Read More »

Personal Income, Disposable Income, Per Capita Income, and Personal Saving

Here in this article, we have tried to define personal income, disposable income, per capita income, and personal income. Personal Income (PI) Personal income can be defined as the income obtained by all individuals and households of a nation from all the possible formal sources before payment of direct personal tax or income tax during

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Relationship between Concepts of National Income at Market Price and Factor Cost

After discussing several key concepts of national income at market price as well as at factor cost, in this article, we attempt to establish the relationship between concepts of national income at market price and factor cost. As we know that various concepts of national income can be measured in terms of market price as

Relationship between Concepts of National Income at Market Price and Factor Cost Read More »

Value Maximization Model

Introduction Value maximization theory was developed as an alternative to the profit maximization theory due to weaknesses or limitations of profit maximization theory. This theory is also known as wealth maximization theory. According to this theory, value or wealth maximization is the long-run objective of the firm that guides resource allocation decisions of the firm

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Meaning and Features of National Income

Meaning of National Income In this article, we explain the meaning and features of national income. You will know what national income actually is and what it measures. Meaning and Features of National Income The human resources of a nation combinedly working with capital and natural resources produce annually various quantities of goods and services.

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