MA Economics Notes TU

Expenditure Method and Effect on Monetary Management

The measurement of national income accounts by using expenditure method and monetray management or currency management are closely related to each other. The spending method records all the spending made by economic sectors on domestically produced final goods and services during a particular time. The article tries to explain the measurement of GDP by expenditure

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Optimum Employment of Single Variable Input

Concept of Optimum Employment of Input Every producer engages in the act of production to earn possible maximum profit by utilizing the available amount of total cost outlay, prices of factors of production, state of technology, governmental policy, and so on. To ensure a maximum profit or to minimize the cost of production, the selection

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The Objectives of Monetary Policy

Monetary policy is an important tool for any country’s economic development and overall economic stability. The objectives of monetary policy may vary from country to country depending on the economic and social condition of the country and other needs. Even in the same country, monetary policy has different objectives at different times. The main objectives

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