Microeconomics Note TU

Optimum Employment of Single Variable Input

Concept of Optimum Employment of Input Every producer engages in the act of production to earn possible maximum profit by utilizing the available amount of total cost outlay, prices of factors of production, state of technology, governmental policy, and so on. To ensure a maximum profit or to minimize the cost of production, the selection

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The Best Definition of Microeconomics

There are different definitions of microeconomics given by different economists and the common matter of almost all the definitions is that microeconomics refers to the study of economic behaviors of very small and individual units of an entire economy. Thus, first microeconomics divides the entire economy into several small parts and then studies each part

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Major Properties of the Cobb-Douglas Production Function

In this article, we explain the major properties of the Cobb-Douglas production function Introduction to Cobb Douglas Production Function The Cobb-Douglas production function is an empirical production function developed by Charles W. Cobb (American Mathematician) and Paul H. Douglas (American Economist) based on empirical studies of various manufacturing industries of the USA. This production function

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Total Utility, Marginal Utility, and their Relationship

Concept of Cardinal Utility: Total Utility and Marginal Utility In this article ‘total Utility, marginal Utility, and their relationship’, we try to explain the meaning of total utility, marginal utility, and the relationship between marginal utility and total utility In economics, the term utility refers to ‘the pleasure or satisfaction that individuals get from their

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