TU BBA Macroeconomics Note

Personal Income, Disposable Income, Per Capita Income, and Personal Saving

Here in this article, we have tried to define personal income, disposable income, per capita income, and personal income. Personal Income (PI) Personal income can be defined as the income obtained by all individuals and households of a nation from all the possible formal sources before payment of direct personal tax or income tax during

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Relationship between Concepts of National Income at Market Price and Factor Cost

After discussing several key concepts of national income at market price as well as at factor cost, in this article, we attempt to establish the relationship between concepts of national income at market price and factor cost. As we know that various concepts of national income can be measured in terms of market price as

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Basic Terminologies of National Income

The key terminologies/(basic terminologies of National Income) related to national income are briefly explained below. Domestic Territory of a Country United Nations states that economic or domestic territory is the geographical territory, governed by a government within which, individuals, goods, and capital distribute freely. It includes the following geographic or electoral boundaries: Normal Residents of

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Macroeconomics and Business Environment

This article explains the relationship between macroeconomics and the business environment Macroeconomics and Business Environment Macroeconomics is the study of relationships and behavior of aggregate economic variables such as national income, the total level of employment, total consumption, investment and saving, aggregate demand, aggregate supply, general price level, trade cycle, etc. The values and changes in

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Static and Dynamic Analysis of Macroeconomics

In this article, we have explained the static and dynamic analysis of macroeconomics. Introduction to Static and Dynamic Analysis of Macroeconomics To construct the economic model, there are two methods static and dynamic.  An economic analysis that limits its attention to the final equilibrium position is called ‘statics’ or ‘static’. A static model may be

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